Vickie Ramirez
Playwright scriptwriter Blogger
Vickie Ramirez (Tuscarora) is a founding member of Chukalokoli and Amerinda Theater. Her work has been developed and/or produced at Native Voices at the Autry, Alter Theater, The Public Theater, The Roundabout Theatre Company, Labyrinth Theater Company. Honors: Resident-New Dramatists through 2027, Winner-2020 Smith Prize for Political Theater (NNPN), The Kilroys-Honorary Mention 2019 for Pure Native and 2014 for Standoff At Hwy#37, Semi-finalist-Bay Area Playwrights Festival 2019, Semi-finalist Eugene O’Neill National Playwright’s Conference 2018, Alumna-Public Theater’s Emerging Writers Group (2009). Productions: Pure Native - Alter Theater (Summer 2022) and Native Voices at the Autry, Standoff at Hwy#37 – NV Autry and the University of South Dakota, Glenburn 12 WP - Summer Shorts at 59E59, Smoke - Mixed Phoenix Theatre Group at Pershing Square Signature Center. Published: Monologues for Actors of Color: Women, Monologues for Actors of Color: Men and Contemporary Plays by Women of Color Edition 2: (Routledge Press). Member: Dramatists Guild, PEN America Consultant: Outer Range for Amazon TV

Greetings from the Grand River by way of New York City! I'm Vickie, I'm Tuscarora and a playwright and I love to tell stories. Mostly about the Ndnz, the Haudensaunee (well, mostly complaining about Mohawks "Ooooh, we're so coool, we're Mohawk -" but I digress...). I also like to tell stories about intersectionality, colonialism and the chaos it keeps inflicting on our ever changing society.
I also write film and television because I love storytelling in every form we have...I also natter away on some blogs too. Please feel free to journey around this website, and reach out to me if you have any questions.
Here is my professional bio:

Karen & Art (Tonantzin Carmelo &Joseph Valdez)- World Premiere of Pure Native - NV Voices at the Autry - ©Craig Schwartz 2019

Brewster, Connie & Gary (Kalani Queypo, Kyla Garcia & Darrell Dennis) - Pure Native World Premiere - Native Voices at the Autry ©Craig Schwartz 2019

Harvest Ceremony - National Museum of the American Indian (1991?) L-R Amy Tallchief, Hugh Danforth and me

Brewster (Kalani Queypo)- World Premiere of Pure Native - NV at the Autry ©Craig Schwartz 2019

Table Card - World Premiere of Pure Native at Native Voices at the Autry

2017 - Contemporary Plays by Women of Color - Edited by Roberta Uno 16. Standoff at Hwy#37

Delanna Studi as Sandra, LaVonne Rae Andrews as Aunt Bev and Kalani Queypo as Darrin - Standoff At Hwy#37, Native Voices at the Autry, 2014

Standoff At Hwy#37, Joint production, University of South Dakota and Native Voices at the Autry. Directed by Jon Lawrence Rivera, featuring Tonantzin Carmelo as Sandra